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Nationwide Rental Data

Get a rent estimate for any property.

Look up accurate rent estimates, nearby rental comps and local market trends for any property in the United States.

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View instant rent rates and rent estimates for any property in the US

Property Rent Estimates

Get instant rent estimates for each single-family, condo, apartment or multi-family property.

Nearby Rental Comps

View similar rental properties listed nearby and compare their rents, features and location.

Local Market Trends

Look up rent averages, listing statistics and historical trends for the surrounding area.

Professional Reports

Create and share PDF or online reports for any property with your custom branding.

Look up rent prices and rental comps when analyzing new investment properties

Look up potential rents for future investment properties.

Having accurate rent estimates is essential when analyzing new investment properties. RentCast will help you look up rent rates in seconds.

Search Properties
Maximize your rental property rents and minimize time on market when leasing properties

Maximize collected rents and cash flow of your rentals.

Run instant rental CMA reports when renting vacant properties or renewing existing leases to maximize collected rents and minimize vacancies across your portfolio.

Set Up Portfolio
Create professional rental property and rental market reports with custom branding

Share rental reports with clients, partners or owners.

RentCast makes it easy to create and share professional property reports online or as a PDF. With RentCast Pro, you can white-label and add custom branding to any report.

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"RentCast is the most accurate and useful tool I found for looking up rents and running comps. It's an absolute must-have for active real estate investors like me!"
Katie Robinson
Cleveland, OH
Get rental comps and compare rents anywhere in the United States
residential and commercial properties
property records updated every day
zip codes available for market research

More Than Just Rental Property Data

Our software helps real estate investors and property managers grow, track and optimize their rental property portfolios.
Rental Market Insights

Analyze and compare rental markets by viewing rent averages and listing statistics for most US zip codes. Learn more.

Market Performance Trends

View historical rent prices to help you analyze market trends and find new investment opportunities.

Rental Portfolio Dashboard

View and track your rental portfolio from one intuitive and easy-to-use dashboard on any device. Learn more.

Real-Time Rent Alerts

Set specific rent targets for each property and receive a notification when it may be time to increase your rents.

Historical Rent Tracking

Keep track of leases and rents for each property in your portfolio to help you analyze their historical performance.

Market Update Emails

Get local market updates, current rent estimates and recent rental listings delivered straight to your inbox.

Nationwide Rental Data

Grow your rental portfolio and maximize your cash flow.

Look up rent prices and comps for any property in the US and track your rental portfolio with real-time alerts and market updates.